Thursday, January 29, 2015

Why a dog names blog?

Choosing your dog's name is 'serious business' or 'small business' depending on how you look at it. Yes, it can be simple or hard. Everyone is different. Everyone has their values and no one should stop you from naming your dog as you please.
HOWEVER, you can make do with some cool ideas to name your dog; which we will look at. I have a list of many, many, cool dog names that you can sample from.

That being said, have you ever thought about THE OTHER SIDE? I mean, have you thought about what other people think when they hear you call out your dog? I will give you 'the other side' of the story.

Why serious business?

Naming a dog can be serious business because you provoke people to read a lot into who you are, just by your dog's name. There are names that make heads turn. There are names that make your friends look at you and judge you a bit; wondering "What in the world led this guy/girl to call his/her dog that?"
If it is serious business for you, then it means you are concerned a lot about what people think of you and your dog, and also, you might be overly concerned about what you yourself think about the dog. You are the type who cares a lot about image.

Why small matter?
There are dogs that make your work fairly easy. A few minutes with the dog and you already feel like you know the dog. Your dog's personality might make give you an instant connection to him or her. There are dogs that are vibrant, others are quiet, others seem empathetic, and others just get you. There are many other personalities which we will talk about as we go on.
If it is a small matter for you, you probably don't care so much about your image. You probably got an instant connection with the dog from the moment you got him or her. You might not care so much about what people think about you or your dog.
There are names that make your friends focus more on your dog than you, and vice versa. This blog is a look at some of the popular names and an opinion on what I think each name means. It is a blog on my perspective or what comes to mind when you call out for your dog in the park. It in no way meant to make you feel stupid, hate your dog's name or love your dog's name. Well, it would probably do you a lot of good to love and appreciate your dog's name.

So watch out! Don't call your dog 'Hell'. It will not make me judge you. It will just freak me out and prod me to grab my dog's leash slowly, and take my dog to another far, far, far, far, away park. I mean 'Hell' is really demonic stuff. What if your dog was really from hell? Would you still allow him/her to your house?

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