Thursday, March 19, 2015

Tales of Sawyer, Hudson and Cooper

Coming up with dog names is not easy, so I want to do that for you. While I am at it, I will give you some meanings to help you along. This is what this blog is about.


For some reason, I have the weirdest vibes about the dog name Sawyer. It gives me the vibes of a serial killer. I mean like downright, sadistic serial killer. I am not saying that you owning a dog named Sawyer makes you a serial killer. Or does it?

Sawyer for a male dog name is pretty neat. I would think a dog named Sawyer is a ‘stick to routine’ kind of dog. Your dog might rarely surprise you. You can always predict what he will do. Sawyer rarely has energy to run all over the place. He mostly prefers lazing around and eating your food. He only plays to satisfy you, but in his mind, he mostly thinks about food and wonders why you love playing so much. Sawyer would be a judge in another human life; if you believe in reincarnation.

What this dog name says about you? What to say, what to say… You read my opening statement right? I am not saying that’s you, but if it is, please don’t make me your next victim.
Anyway, I think if you are a nice person, you naming your dog Sawyer makes you a reader. You are a voracious reader! You are also the calm type who rarely talks, unless spoken to.

In actual sense, the dog name Sawyer means wood cutter. Wow! What are the chances? I swear, I never knew it meant that prior to writing this.


This is a nice male dog name. It doesn’t give off any vibes right away, I’m sorry.

On second thought, it makes me think of something sentimental. Maybe your dog reminds you of someone. The thing is, this name is closer to human, than it is to dog name but all the same, let’s talk about its meaning.

Hudson for a dog name suggests an emotionally stable dog that is mostly happy. I can see a somewhat permanent smile; that is unless you have a boxer or something in that line. But still, you can still see a happy dog. When it’s playtime, Hudson seems like a playful dog with plenty of energy. He loves to please and is aggressive at times, but not very often. He is a good boy!

In actual sense, Hudson means son of a hooded man. Who comes up with these meanings anyway? Really?


Now Cooper sounds really cool. A dog named Cooper might be a really cool male dog. Whatever breed you have, Cooper suits a cool personality dog. You rarely disagree on basics. He seems like the kind of dog that loves to please and work. Energy levels for this dog are also pretty balanced. It’s playtime, it’s all good with him, it’s nap time, so be it, it’s time to take a walk, who said no? Throw anything at Cooper and he is all good!

This name also says a lot about the owner. It says you have a job that doesn’t demand too much of you. You have a job with flexible working hours. It also gives off a rich vibe. I think you are rich and generous! It also says you love to smile and have a good time.

In actual sense, Cooper means barrel maker. Uum…still doesn’t hit home.

Hope you liked these meanings. Till next time!

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