Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Tales of Tucker, Maximus and Zoey

As I have continuously said, dog names not only give the dog an identity but they also say a lot about both the owner and the dog. Dog names have different meanings. Sometimes, finding a dog name is as hard as finding a baby name. You want the perfect name for your munchkin. So I thought it prudent to give you insight into not only different names but also into their meanings.


This name suits male dogs. This name says a lot about the dog. I tend to think a dog named Tucker is overly protective. He is more inclined to start a fight rather than avoid one. A dog named Tucker makes you feel safe though.

What this name says about the owner might come as a shocker. If you named your dog Tucker, you probably also prefer standing up for yourself. By this, I mean you might be the type who has been caught up in one or two fights. If not, you only wish you had the ability to fight. Then, you would show a few people a thing or two about what you think. You might the type who gets irked when people won’t behave in the queue; wishing you could teach someone a lesson.

Other than that, Tucker is a great dog who loves playing. When this dog’s energy is redirected to something else, then it serves him well; especially during play time. He doesn’t seem like the low energy type of dog.

In actual sense, the name Tucker means food in Australia.


Maximus is also a good name for a male dog. A dog named Maximus will evoke strong feelings about the owner. In my experience, people who name their dogs Maximus are more inclined towards the nerdy side. You might be the type who likes science fiction books and movies. You like understanding the science behind everything you see. You also enjoy technology related stuff.

What I think about the dog is that he is massive. He is mostly aloof to what is happening around him but he does tricks rather well, swims well, and loves fetch. A dog named Maximus might look aloof but tell him to do a trick and your jaw drops. However, this is not a high energy dog but a calm, collected character, most of the time.

The actual meaning of the dog name Maximus is ‘the greatest’.


I am reminded of a girl named Zoey who used to bully everyone back in high school. She was MEAN! I mean like ‘rude’ mean. For some reason, her words were revered. She would meet you at the locker and ask you to hand over your assignment before she did something drastic.

However, I think Zoey is a pretty sweet name for a female dog. Despite my nasty past ‘Zoey’ I think this dog name suits a sweet, eager to please female dog. The same goes for the owner. If you have named your dog Zoey, it implies you are a sweet, loving character. A few people might have broken your heart but you still remain lovable.

Zoey suits a dog with high energy. I know of a Zoey who loves to bring toys to the owner for some play time. The only problem with her was her gassy nature. Maybe the owner was giving her a horrible diet but damn! *closes nostrils*

The actual meaning of Zoey is life and love.

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